From United Press International (linked through Drudge): Documents: U.S. had plan to nuke N. Korea Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 7 (UPI) -- Newly declassified documents revealed the United States planned as recently as 1998 to drop nuclear bombs on North Korea if the country attacked South Korea. As part of "scenario 5027," 24 F15-E bombers flew simulation missions at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina to drop mock nuclear bombs on a firing range between January and June 199...
Nov. 3rd, Terry McAuliffe, DNC Chairman, stated after Tuesdays Bush victory, "there's no one person in the party who can step in and put the Dems on the right track". Finally! A moment of honesty from the head DNC crook (remember the guy that turned a $100,000 investment into $18,000,000 in 11months through Global Crossing profiteering?). This is the third straight election cycle that Terry McAuliffe is taking the heat for, and word is, he's on the outs. How quickly things change. It was a mere ...
You've heard him say it, I've heard him say it, it's impossible to miss, "I will not raise taxes on people making less than $200,000 a year". Kerry says this at almost every oppurtunity as the cornerstone of paying for his many proposed programs. Either you believe this is an attempt at class warfare or a fair system for financing government, which is fine. But whats the truth? First, you can confirm Kerry's answer at . "Q: Would you be willing to look directly into the ca...
Proof that John Edwards causes global warming! Don't destroy our childrens future - vote Bush/ Cheney in November!
Here's how tax cuts work, simplified for those of you that believe Republicans "favor the rich". The governent needs $100, so they tax Joe, Sue and Brad. Joe is poor, so he pays $10. Sue is middle class, so she pays $25. Brad is rich, so he pays $65. The government has $100. Time passes, and for whatever reason the government needs citizens to invest money into the economy. For the sake of this example we'll give everyone a 20% tax cut (I'm a generous blogger). Now this is where th...
Not so much a blog today, but just a few things that need repeating for the general public. 1.) Goodbye tax cuts. The extra $2000 a year base return I get from Bush's cuts will go bye-bye. That is if Kerry doesn't change his current position. 2.) Hello tax increases. As a small business owner, Kerry has promised to target me for a tax increase. I wonder if he cares what thats going to do to my three childrens future? Being a wealthy aristocrat, probably not. Kerry promises to spend, spe...
In these trying times of a world at war, serious political issues at home and abroad, I would vote for John Kerry this November. First, and most importantly to me, he would get the French to commit troops to Iraq. I'm serious, he would. Democratic National Committee strategist Howard Wolfson, a close advisor to the Kerry campaign, told the US that Kerry would bring the French to commit troops, so I believe it will happen. As we Americans know, because of our debt to General Lafayette, the ...
Today was going to be either my unique perspective on racism in America, or a list of reasons why you don't like me, but there's a modicum of alzheimers running rampant on the political left these days, and it's time someone ranted a little about it. To every supporter of Kerry, to every left wing person with an agenda, to every single person that hates the US President I ask this simple question, "Have you forgotten what the 09/11 attacks did to the US economy?" If you don't, pay attentio...