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Blog of the living dead
Published on November 3, 2004 By
Several networks have now called both Florida and Ohio, for a total of 266 electorial votes. It's over guys, 4 more years of Bush!
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Comments (Page 1)
3 Pages
on Nov 03, 2004
He's also going to finish with the overall popular vote nationally.
Not exactly a landslide, but considering all the heat he's endured during this campaign, a remarkable improvement over 2000.
And the Redskins's streak is now over, just like the Curse is dead and there'll be no Massachusetts Hat Trick this year.
Champas Socialist
on Nov 03, 2004
Hand me some rope
on Nov 03, 2004
We ARe the CHAMPIONS My Friends!!!!!!! I am soooooooooo Happy
on Nov 03, 2004
"And darkness and decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."
-- Edgar Allen Poe, _Masque of the Red Death_
Capi Crimm of Abeeda.com
on Nov 03, 2004
*non-appropriate comments that were against JU terms of service have been removed.
Capi Crimm of Abeeda.com
on Nov 03, 2004
oh yeah, and since when does 266 get you Presidental Office?
on Nov 03, 2004
To LordIbuprofen, ever notice how all the great countried have red, U.S.S.R, China, ummm.... Nazi Germany... Hell.... need I go on?
what is real funny about that statement, Tom Brokaw just said several minutes ago, that the Dems
to be "red", and the republicans used to be blue, but for some reason they changed it. Now, what i thought was humorous, I was thinking the same comparison with the other nations....then he said that the red color more matched the dems, and the blue color more matched the repubs.....
on Nov 03, 2004
Hi friends so u people seem to have committed suicide agan, feel u should stop callng mddle east as Muslim Fundamentalist and see within ur own country where everyone seems to be struttng the bibles and electing imbeciles as presidents, what has happened to u people? Don't tell me ur country has been hjacked by the bible belt monkeys who thnk Bush is some sorty of messenger, Have a nice and enjoyable four years mates...............................
on Nov 03, 2004
Methinks a lot of posters here would be much happier living in... France.
on Nov 03, 2004
Methinks a lot of posters here would be much happier living in... France.
on Nov 03, 2004
Methinks a lot of posters here would be much happier living in... France.
on Nov 03, 2004
Hi friends so u people seem to have committed suicide agan, feel u should stop callng mddle east as Muslim Fundamentalist and see within ur own country where everyone seems to be struttng the bibles and electing imbeciles as presidents, what has happened to u people? Don't tell me ur country has been hjacked by the bible belt monkeys who thnk Bush is some sorty of messenger, Have a nice and enjoyable four years mates...............................
You know "friend", we don't really give a rip what the rest of the world has to say about how we elect a president or why. We don't have to guard polling places with guns, and we don't execute the losers. Crawl back under your rock slime ball.
on Nov 03, 2004
The result shows clearly what u people want and all the very best and if u don't care about what other country people think why don't u people mind ur own friggin business instead of nosing around Iraq and getting hammered and u people livin constantly in fear as to when s the next sucde bomber gonna come around the corner. Land of free hell its begun a land of fearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr where u never can lve in peace anymore, I feel much safer where I am then u wll ever feel anywere n USapalgood byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
on Nov 03, 2004
Once again, my faith is restored in the American people. I was beginning to wonder, judging by how many were for the ambulance chaser and the turncoat. Good going America.
I am sorry for the complainers and sore losers, if only they would say a good word no matter how hard, we the Americans would look upon you with compassion, no matter where you came from. Do you not see it? you resort to primitive tactics when things don't go your way.....like a little cry baby, it's obvious.
on Nov 03, 2004
While this election is still "Too Close to Call", I don't think either candidate can really declare that their campain was a victory. With what amount to a 50/50 vote, nobody should look at their policies and think they have hit the nail on the head. I hope that this is an eye opener for whoever wins that some of the stuff said by the other side really has merit.
If it turns out that Bush does win, he shouldn't feel comfortable with his victory and think that the people completely back his policies.
If, instead, Kerry pulls through, he needs to work really hard to convince the other 50% of the population that he is more then sound bites.
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