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Blog of the living dead
Published on November 3, 2004 By
Several networks have now called both Florida and Ohio, for a total of 266 electorial votes. It's over guys, 4 more years of Bush!
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on Nov 03, 2004
"With what amount to a 50/50 vote, nobody should look at their policies and think they have hit the nail on the head."
Clinton didn't beat Bush Sr. with 50%, more people voted against him than for him. All this "mandate" talk is just sour grapes. Kennedy won by 118,000 votes, with outragous election irregularities in places like Chicago. No one seems to doubt his "mandate" now, though.
I don't disagree that many people don't support Bush, I just think this illusion of a nation where a huge majority of the people agree with whoever wins is a very, very rare thing in American history, and Bush shouldn't expect it regardless of how much he wins by.
on Nov 03, 2004
Hand me some rope
*Hands Champas the pre-tied rope...
on Nov 03, 2004
Its not just another 4 years of Bush. Its 4 years where he will care even less about actually having to please his contstituents, and will be much more likely to act unilatterally in international affairs. Scary thought for us pinkos (read: everyone in the world who doesn't live in the central US).
"we don't really give a rip what the rest of the world has to say about how we elect a president or why"
See, we don't care why or who you elect, except if the guy is a blooming madman likely to negatively effect (read: kill) people outside his own coutnry. Can't you see how defensive and childish you seem when you flout world opinion. We didn't really care if Germany wanted to elect Hitler, but when he started messing around in other people's backyards on false pretenses (like trumped up claims of self-defense), WE went in there and smacked his ass (and yes, thanks for the help that time). But my guess is that this will fall on deaf ears, and a vicsous cirlce of everyone in the world hating Americans more and more and Americans caring less and less about what the world thinks of them will eventually come to a head. I for one, can't wait
on Nov 03, 2004
I think the Onion said it best:
Proud to be an American
on Nov 03, 2004
Reply to Joe_Black: As long as people are being blown up by suicide bombers, NO ONE IS SAFE ANYWHERE! Do you think your country is immune? Hatred knows no bounds. It's not Democratic or Republican or American or Australian. If you do feel safe, then be thankful and not judgemental.
on Nov 03, 2004
See, we don't care why or who you elect, except if the guy is a blooming madman likely to negatively effect (read: kill) people outside his own coutnry. Can't you see how defensive and childish you seem when you flout world opinion. We didn't really care if Germany wanted to elect Hitler, but when he started messing around in other people's backyards on false pretenses (like trumped up claims of self-defense), WE went in there and smacked his ass (and yes, thanks for the help that time). But my guess is that this will fall on deaf ears, and a vicsous cirlce of everyone in the world hating Americans more and more and Americans caring less and less about what the world thinks of them will eventually come to a head. I for one, can't wait
This is such a leftist fantasy, fed by the media's insatiable need for bad news, all of which inevitably gets blamed on the US. When Afghanitan and Iraq are functioning democratic republics, will they still be preaching this nonsense? Is the world less safe now that Libya has abandoned its nuclear weapons program, thanks principally to what we accomplished in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Some just can't accept the good news when it is staring them right in the face.
on Nov 03, 2004
Hand me some rope
Fuck that, just give me a sniper rifle, I feel a bit of Lee Harvey's soul in me.
To LordIbuprofen, ever notice how all the great countried have red, U.S.S.R, China, ummm.... Nazi Germany... Hell.... need I go on?
"And darkness and decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."
-- Edgar Allen Poe, _Masque of the Red Death_
Oh, let's get a bit more melodramatic, shall we?
on Nov 03, 2004
Reply #6 By: Capi Crimm of Abeeda.com (Anonymous) - 11/3/2004 4:53:22 AM
oh yeah, and since when does 266 get you Presidental Office?
When Iowa, New Mexico AND Nevada are @ 99% and all 3 are showing GW ahead by a large margin. That my friend is "17" MORE EC votes which would bring him to 283 EC votes. Which is more than enough!
Fuck that, just give me a sniper rifle, I feel a bit of Lee Harvey's soul in me.
Keep talking stupid like this and "I'll' turn you in to the secret service myself! In case you don't know , what you talking is a "felony"!
on Nov 03, 2004
Reply #18 By: Zod (Anonymous) - 11/3/2004 10:11:40 AM
Its not just another 4 years of Bush. Its 4 years where he will care even less about actually having to please his contstituents, and will be much more likely to act unilatterally in international affairs. Scary thought for us pinkos (read: everyone in the world who doesn't live in the central US).
"we don't really give a rip what the rest of the world has to say about how we elect a president or why"
See, we don't care why or who you elect, except if the guy is a blooming madman likely to negatively effect (read: kill) people outside his own coutnry. Can't you see how defensive and childish you seem when you flout world opinion. We didn't really care if Germany wanted to elect Hitler, but when he started messing around in other people's backyards on false pretenses (like trumped up claims of self-defense), WE went in there and smacked his ass
So what are you saying? That your gonna come in and smack our ass? I DON"T THINK SO!
on Nov 03, 2004
Reply #8 By: joe_black - 11/3/2004 5:57:39 AM
Hi friends so u people seem to have committed suicide agan, feel u should stop callng mddle east as Muslim Fundamentalist and see within ur own country where everyone seems to be struttng the bibles and electing imbeciles as presidents, what has happened to u people? Don't tell me ur country has been hjacked by the bible belt monkeys who thnk Bush is some sorty of messenger, Have a nice and enjoyable four years mates...............................
Why don't you go get lost! Take a long walk off a very short pier and don't bother to swim!
Dr Guy
on Nov 03, 2004
While this election is still "Too Close to Call", I don't think either candidate can really declare that their campain was a victory. With what amount to a 50/50 vote, nobody should look at their policies and think they have hit the nail on the head. I hope that this is an eye opener for whoever wins that some of the stuff said by the other side really has merit.
There are 2 problems with this. First, the race is over, and has been since 1am this morning. NOw it is official. Kerry has conceded.
Second, Bush is the first Candidate in 16 years to get more than 50% of the vote. Clinton never did, Gore never did. So 51% is a pretty good victory and better than 50/50!
on Nov 03, 2004
Looks like Bush is going to win the popular vote by 3%. Bush got more votes than any US President in history. It's a pretty solid victory.
on Nov 03, 2004
Its not just another 4 years of Bush. Its 4 years where he will care even less about actually having to please his contstituents
People who voted for Bush this year must have envisioned an Us v. Them mentality instead of a "what's best for America" approach. . . more war, more deficits, more protection for big business, America lost out.
As long as people are being blown up by suicide bombers, NO ONE IS SAFE ANYWHERE!
..but Bush will somehow make us "safer"? The guy simply stirs up terrorist hornets nests as is evident by Osama's video...
Dr Guy
on Nov 03, 2004
See, we don't care why or who you elect, except if the guy is a blooming madman likely to negatively effect (read: kill) people outside his own coutnry. Can't you see how defensive and childish you seem when you flout world opinion. We didn't really care if Germany wanted to elect Hitler,
That is exactly what is wrong with you. You must be European. He murdered 6 million jews (inside his own borders) and you dont care. What a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Dr Guy
on Nov 03, 2004
..but Bush will somehow make us "safer"? The guy simply stirs up terrorist hornets nests as is evident by Osama's video...
That is analogous to letting serial killers go free because you are afraid if you catch one, then their friends will be mad and start killing more. Besides being totally assinine, it is also incredibly stupid!
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