So my wife is on the PTO board. She also volunteers for fundraisers, goes out for coffee with friends, and basically does alot of things I'm not interested in. And sometimes, just because she likes me, she drags me along.

First it was holidays with the families. I see our families all year long. They make a point to stop in at least once a month. They're good people, I like them, but this usually means I have to do foreign things around the house, like shower. When Thanksgiving comes around, do I really need to drive 300 miles to see them? I guess so, because every year I have to leave the confines of my cave, shave, trim my nails, and dress somewhat nice to go see our relatives. Ug. Don't women realize we men are a step away from cavemen, and it's safe inside our cave? Roadtrip bad. Computer good. Ug.
This past month it was a logo for our kids elementary school yearbook. My wife, obviously proud of whatever talent she sees in me, decided to volunteer me to do the logo. This is a catch-22 for any (cave)man: refuse and you've embarassed your wife, the only other human in the world that can stand to be around you. Agree and you've opened up a world of possibilities to the things you can be included in. Like, maybe, dreaded PTO meetings! Or tea parties! I might have to talk to someone!
We (cave)men are pretty good at putting things together, mowing yards and slaying the corporate monsters to make a living. Thats about it. I've obviously set too high of a standard, and after nine years my wife still thinks better of me than she should. God bless her.

The moral to this story? My wife got her logo. I may be a caveman, but I'm no dummy. My wife likes me, for whatever reason, and I'm not going to to mess with that. After all, she's my wife, and that means something around these parts.