If you haven't read the first three articles in this series, I suggest you do. I throw out some ideas on how Stardock can make two of it's most popular programs, DesktopX and Windowblinds more popular with th average computer user. Go ahead, read them. We'll be here waiting for you when you get back.
Stardock outsider, part.1
Stardock outsider, part.2
Stardock outsider, part.3
You're back? Good! Let's get started...
So far I've been pretty thorough on what Stardock might do different with DesktopX and Windowblinds. So what, if anything, is Stardock actually doing with these two apps? Here's the scoop, at least as far as they've let leak out:
I have it on good authority that tests are being run internally to see if a semi-transparent version of Windowblinds is viable. Semi-transparency CAN be done. And I've been told from a reliable source that one or two people within Stardock have been discussing this for over a year now. With the Aero interface being shown in Microsoft preview videos of Longhorn, a renewed interest in glass like skins has pushed this out of the discussion stage and into the initial stages of work. That's all I know. Right now my guess is that there is a 50/50 chance of this happening, although I have a sneaky suspicion that a public outcry for this feature would probably increase the odds of it seeing the light of day. But thats just me, don't count on that as fact.
This is where we have some tangible news other than rumor and whispers. Stardock has been actively pursuing a higher quality in DesktopX widgets, and so far the results are extremely impressive. Let's take a look!
First, we have one of my favorite DesktopX widgets, Core Weather.
Core Weather Download


As you can see, it has a nice animated pull down, has a clean design and sleek interface.
Next, we have Core Calendar:
Core Calendar Download


As you can see, it continues the new sleek interface, animated pull down information and a nice compact shape. Impressive.
Next, we have To Do List:
Core Calendar Download


Yep. I really do need to call my Mom.

Not only can you set your list, you can prioritize your messages, then scroll them up into a compact widget. Easy, simple, elegant.
And last, for now, we have the Core Clock:
Core Calendar Download


Resizable at a touch, like all the Core widgets you can colorize it just by clicking the interface. I forgot to mention that? Well, you
can colorize all of these widgets just by clicking the widget! Very smart, very easy.
So what do we see here? Simple, sleek, stylish widgets that do justice to the DesktopX brand . It's a darn good start, and it's exactly what I was thinking of when I started writing these articles. It's an exciting time to be a Windows user, and I personally couldn't be more thrilled to what the future has in store.
Tell Stardock what you think. Post a comment here, or check their contact page at www.stardock.com. And thanks for reading.