So I've eaten a few brains these past few weeks. The elections have come and gone, and they were indeed exciting. Good job to Republicans. Now it's time to put that aside and move on to some very important non-partisan issues that I have become extremely concerned with over the past year. Issues concerning the enviroment and the future of humanity. VERY important issues based on some recent scientific data: the oil peak, food overgrowth and (ready for this?) the upcoming ICE AGE!
Sounds crazy I know. When I first heard about these subjects I thought they were pretty much nonsense, but since I have learned of each issue I have researched, read and listened carefully to the evidence. I will do my best to support these upcoming blogs with solid scientific data, and extrapolate some very obvious and basic probablities for the future of every human on this planet regarding these issues. You can decide for yourselves.
Keine mehr Politik. No more Politics. There are more important issues concerning every single person than being sucked into the dissent and hatred of political dogma. I look forward to interacting with all of the highly intelligent members of JU...