Published on October 18, 2004 By d3adz0mbie In Politics
Let's get together and make murder legal. After all, when someone takes a human life, they are only making a choice for themselves. Shouldn't that be a persons right?
Think of the man robbing a store, shooting a clerk dead. The poor robber needed the money because of Americas economic unfairness. That robber is entitled to the same nice things other people have, and should not have to worry that someone else might turn them in.
Feel for the woman that murders her cheating husband. He hurt her feelings, wounded her emotionally. Shes just making a choice to live a more positive, empowered life.
Think of serial killers that murder multiple of women. These guys can't help themselves, and it's unfair for society to judge them. They didn't choose to be serial killers, either nature or nuture made them who they are, and we should understand.

Let's legalize murder.

Think of the woman that kills her unborn child because she cant afford it. The poor woman needs to remain childless because of Americas economic unfairness. She is entitled to the same nice things other people have, and should not have to worry about the burden of a child. Nevermind that the child has an active brain, can respond to it's enviroment and perhaps live outside the womb. It is that womans right.
Feel for the woman that kills her baby as it is being born. Through some medical complication she may be at risk, she is just making a choice to increase her chances to live.
Think of the women that have repeated abortions. It's unfair for society to judge them. They didn't choose to get pregnant, they just wanted to have sex. We should understand

Let's keep murder legal.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 18, 2004
I'm not touching that debate with a 20' pole but, I really like the article.. it gets the point across qutie well.
on Oct 18, 2004
An unborn baby is not a human, as defined by law.
on Oct 18, 2004
Nevermind that the child has an active brain

and nevermind the damn woman cant keep her legs shut...

An unborn baby is not a human, as defined by law.

how can a law define life??
on Oct 18, 2004
sandy2: The law is wrong. The law can tell me the sky is made of molten lava, it doesn't make it so. My wife has had three children. Obviously whoever made the law hasn't felt a child interact at 5 months, or twins kicking each other in their mothers womb.

Here's what we should do, let's pass a law that the enviroment is made of ice cream, because laws are always true. That way, everyone in the world could have ice cream whenever they wanted.
on Oct 18, 2004

And not too long ago blacks were 1/3 human. Laws can be wrong you know.
on Oct 18, 2004
Rats someone beat me too it.
on Oct 18, 2004
Hey I am all for post-birth abortions, I want to stick a jerks head in a whole than vacuum out his/her brains.

I am also for repealing all laws that defeat Evolution (bet Darwin is rolling in his grave with some of the laws we have).

America is the poster child on how to have a Government defeat Darwinism/Evolution.

- Grimrles Xarwin
on Oct 18, 2004
One of the biggest reasons, I am pro-choice is that even if abortion was said to be illegal, the operation would still happen in most cases just in much more dangerous conditions. Also if the child doesn't have a mother who wants to take care of it it will end up suffering through its childhood.
on Oct 18, 2004
One of the biggest reasons, I am pro-choice is that even if abortion was said to be illegal, the operation would still happen in most cases just in much more dangerous conditions. Also if the child doesn't have a mother who wants to take care of it it will end up suffering through its childhood.

Same reason I think murder, child pornography, and sex with children should be legal. If they were legal, they'd happen in safer situations. For example, if child pornography were legal, the children would be able to form a union and protect their rights.
on Oct 18, 2004
Even lawmakers are wrong sometimes.

Who gives a shit if its "defined by law"? Just because it's "okay" to do something doesn't mean that you should.
on Oct 18, 2004
Also if the child doesn't have a mother who wants to take care of it it will end up suffering through its childhood.

I actually used to be pro-choice for this reason, but then i met many people that grew up adopted and they live very happy lives. Sure, the fact that you are adopted would be a difficult fact to live with, but most people manage to get over it and lead normal lives.

For example, if child pornography were legal, the children would be able to form a union and protect their rights.

haha, very good point
on Oct 18, 2004
Why make murder legal, lets just kill all the poor people and eliminate the problem at the root...

Great argument, to bad the woman is right and you are not.
I like the "slaves were not considered persons" argument better... what happened with people screaming that.
on Oct 18, 2004

Great argument, to bad the woman is right and you are not.

No. She's wrong.

on Oct 18, 2004
Thank you NAM remember vote for me in 2020
on Oct 19, 2004
Most of you'll know that I'm a conservative, in the Goldwater tradition as opposed to the Falwell tradition.

d3adz0mbie & I agree on most things, I suspect, but on this issue we don't. I'm pro-choice. There is nothing unconservative about that position. The murder rap just poisons the discussion and guarantees nothing will come of it. We will never be able to parse the nanosecond that divides "pre-life" from "life", at least never to the satisfaction of those who would preserve every egg & every sperm cell as potential human beings. But real people lead real lives and are autonomous beings, endowed by their creator with the ability & obligation to make choices for themselves. The state has no legitimate interest in forcing a woman to carry a child to term against her wishes. A religious order might have a legitimate interest in that, but not the state. No harm comes to another member of society by virtue of a woman having an elective abortion, unless you arbitrarily endow the developing fetus with more rights than the mother in whose womb the fetus is developing. The right-to-life argument is an endlessly circular one based on an article of religious faith that one should either practice or not. It is the equivalent of accepting or rejecting God, something that cannot be legislated (at least not here). Religious freedom necessarily incorporates the right to be free of religion. None of us should have any objection to individuals following the dictates of their own conscience and practicing their religious beliefs as they see fit. We should all object to any religion forcing their beliefs on others via the state through legislation.

I suppose this is all by way of showing Myrrander that we're not all "Republican robots."

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