Catchy blog titles are fun
I posted this as a reply to blogic in my "Vice President Cheneys daughter is a lesbian" blog entry. I feel there is a little confusion over the marriage amendment that needs to be cleared up:
"Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman."
This is a perfect example of why lawyers will be the first to to be shot (and that includes Congress) when the revolution comes. I see how this could be read that NOBODY will ever have the same privileges as a married couple. The truth is that if a Civil Union for any couple was enacted into law, it would acquire its own set of priviledges and legal incidents specific to its legal status. These priviledges and legal incidents could be equal or identical to those conferred upon the marriage status, but will never acquire those rights as married.
Maybe this analogy will help: Under law, a man cannot legally be a woman and a woman cannot be a man. While we strive for equality for both sexes, the truth is the two are legally seperate definitions. A man cannot have rights as a woman, and a woman cannot have rights AS A MAN. But they can both have the same rights.
Sorry if Im drawing this out... A civil union could confer the legal right upon two men to be recognised as inheritors of property under the laws that govern civil unions. They could not acquire this same right under the laws that govern marriage. Vise versa, a man and a woman married would become inheritors of one anothers property through the laws that govern marriage, not the laws that govern civil union.
Are we all confused yet?
The bottom line is that this does not EXCLUDE, but does not confer or address other similar potential legal definitions of relationships. Instead of fighting over this, the fight should be for the creation of civil unions, seperate but equal to marriage (but legally governing within its own rights). Now excuse me while I go find a gun, Ive got some lawyers to talk to...