In light of the constant BS a few of our more liberal JU bloggers are spewing around here, I figured it was time to give a little.
After being catagorized as a racist, an idiot, retarded, a war monger and a religious zealot, I've decided to sling my own accusations without any proof or reason, merely because it's the "thing to do".

Did you know, that supporting a womans right to choose that Democrats have the blood of every aborted baby in the USA on their hands? They are responsible for the deaths by encouraging such a despicable act.
Did you know that if you vote for John Kerry, you will be voting for a man that has admittedly killed non-caucasians? Think about it - a rich white guy, who has admitted to shooting people of ethnicity in the back! Is that who you want for President?
Did you know that the Boston highway project, which John Kerry has received over $50,000 in kickbacks from the insurance companies involved, causes enviromental pollution?

Don't commit atrocities with your vote this November, vote Republican!

Any anti-Republican replies will be deleted from this article. Time to get as good as you give guys and girls.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 29, 2004
You spell speech with two e's. (insert coffee fueled sermon here;p) Everyone has a right to is called free speech or should I spell it Speach?

It was two-bloody o'clock in the morning. And I already claimed I couldn't spell, so leave my hermit-b*tch self alone!
on Oct 29, 2004

Reply #27 By: dabe - 10/29/2004 8:59:25 AM

Liberals have bigger brains, and score at least 75 points higher on an IQ test.
Liberals drive cleaner cars.
Liberals eat healthier diets
Liberals raise smarter children
Liberals grow greener gardens
Liberals read faster
Liberals dress nicer
Long Live Liberals!!!!!

Liberals are full of s*it!
on Oct 29, 2004
A president who is on a crusade against Muslims (he said crusade during his speach from the pulpit of the National Cathedral)

If I have to hear this one more time, I'm gonna vomit...on the very person who says it.

Crusade has more than one definition. One refers to historic events as in The Crusades. Crusades would have to be sanctioned by the Pope.

Crusade also can mean a cause carried out with vigor and zeal. it is a religiously neutral term.

So what in the world could Bush have meant? Obviously not what you wanted him to.

on Oct 29, 2004

I was under the impression that this mantra held true for most of the population, regardless of political persuasion

Well hopefully not most. We'll know on Tuesday.

on Oct 29, 2004
Crusade also can mean a cause carried out with vigor and zeal. it is a religiously neutral term.

\Cru*sade"\ (kr?-s?d"), n. [F. croisade, fr. Pr. crozada, or Sp cruzada, or It. crociata, from a verb signifying to take the cross, mark one's self with a cross, fr. L. crux cross; or possibly taken into English directly fr. Pr. Cf. Croisade, Crosado, and see Cross.]
on Oct 29, 2004
I know this is supposed to be pro-Republican, anti-Democrat, but I cannot remain silent about this horrible atrocity by the Republicans: they actually think that minorities have the intellect and ability to be treated like normal humans! This is an outrage! The most racist idea I've ever heard! The honorable Democrats know well that minorities need the government as a crutch to function in life. Praise be the non-racist Democrats!
on Oct 29, 2004
Damn I need to quit pissing in y'all wheaties!!

on Oct 29, 2004
Ya know...I've come to expect this kind of garbage from deadzombie...Some of you i'm kinda shocked.
on Oct 29, 2004

Ya know...I've come to expect this kind of garbage from deadzombie...Some of you i'm kinda shocked.

That's why I prefer to read the wonderful works of our more liberal members. And they post their BS in such abundance that it's like verbal diarrhea!

on Oct 29, 2004
Liberals have bigger brains, and score at least 75 points higher on an IQ test.

"Bigger" brains? Erm. What, physically larger? Brain size has nothing to do with intellect. Also, "75 points higher on an IQ test"? What? If the average were 100, then liberals would be scoring 175, at least, not even counted by Stanford-Binet tests, with select exceptions.

Liberals drive cleaner cars.

Like a Yugo?

Liberals eat healthier diets

Tell that to Michael Moore.

Liberals raise smarter children

How are you defining "smart"? If it is the same way as the so-called IQ scores, then that's utter crap.

Liberals grow greener gardens

I have a very large garden and a much greener lawn than my liberal-minded neighbours, thank-you-very-much!

Liberals read faster know, whatcha-call-it...proof?

Liberals dress nicer

Again, tell that to Michael Moore. Also, I guess this is true if you really love ultra-baggy jeans, which most of the liberal-minded guys around here envelop themselves within. Lastly, "nice" is very subjective.

Long Live Liberals!!!!!


on Oct 29, 2004
Liberals eat healthier diets

Tell that to Michael Moore.

on Oct 29, 2004
Liberals eat healthier diets

That's because they only eat the healthy children.

Republicans only like the scrawny ones.
on Oct 29, 2004
Reply #38 By: thatoneguyinslc - 10/29/2004 4:05:52 PM
Ya know...I've come to expect this kind of garbage from deadzombie...Some of you i'm kinda shocked.

Damn I must have forgot to NOT piss in your Wheaties.

Oh well, there is always tomorrow.


My fellow Gerbils and Hamtaro Hamsters, I Pope Grimmy Grim Grimster the 49th declare a new Poli-tickle Party be founded...this party shall consist of all those who have been declared insane and shall not consist of anybody who bares any resemblance to having any modicum of sanity.
This new Poli-tickle Party shall be called the 'Boom I am Napoleon Shaka Kahn Shaka Kahn weebl weebl Zap pang NI Kush Berry Suck a toe Suck a toe Jom Jam Jimmy Pootie Tang Fingle Fangle Jangle My Jingle in the Jungle with Bungle Smuggle Tuggle KAHN!! KAHN!! With my last breath I piss at thee!! Pink Taco' Party.

Our Poli-tickle philosophy is if the sane people can't get it right after how many years? No, seriously how many years has it been? Oh wait I was trying to make a point about Dusham Tizzle...ANYWAYS if sane people can't get the JOB done it is time for the INSANE people to take over!!
So pluck a Gerbil and toss your hamtaro hamster in a blender it is time to roll People who lack the capacity to be SANE!!

Nobody here but us chickens!!
PLINKO the Plinkiest Plinko Machine that has ever existed in Plinko History Plinko Period.
on Nov 01, 2004
Be blessed, Grim Xiozan, Arch Bishop of the Avian Congress. May the shining blue mountain radiate it's clucking cluck cluck over you, like a majestic azure halo.

Blessed be Grim Xoxzian, destroyer of cardboard and salvation to our feathered friends!
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