Typical Kerry Supporter:Group A: Lawyer, Academic, Public school teacher. Highly educated, tends to believe that they are more sophisticated than most people and deep down bristle at the thought of their vote being countered by some red neck Shrub supporter.
Group B: Single mother. Struggling to make ends meet. Thinks that the system favors the rich at their expense. Want more federal programs to help them.
Group C: Poor, uneducated. Did not finish high school or finished high school barely. Union worker or low skilled laborer.
Typical Bush Supporter:
Group A: Religious. Married. Has children. Believes Bush will help move America towards a more "moral" course.
Group B: Business man, entrepreneur. Married, has children. Believes that the federal government intereferes with their lives. Wants the government off their back.
Group C: Middle class. Married, distrustful of the federal government taking away their freedoms (guns, regulations, taxes, etc.). Tend to be high school graduates with some college education or military experience.
Overall stereo type:
Unmarried people tend to be Kerry supporters with the exception of academics, union supporters, and public (as opposed to private) school teachers.
Married people, particularly ones with children, tend to be Bush supporters.
Why this is you can figure out yourself. These are the demographics facts behind each candidate.