Over the past few months I've seen the Democrats cry foul everytime President Bush or Vice President Cheney talk about an attack on our homeland, and it's time someone put this into perspecitive. Let's look at why the American public SHOULD be afraid, and what the most important issue of this election really is: Biochemical or nuclear attack within the borders of the United States of America.

Consider this scenario: Militant jihadists aligned with any of the multiple anti-American terror cells (Al-Queda is not the only one) decides that it is time to once again strike America. Unable to acquire nuclear fissele materials, they are able to acquire RICIN in a minute protected capsule delivery. Once they have the hundreds of thousands of tiny ricin capsules, patience and careful planning allow this deadly poison to be smuggled into the USA, perhaps into the hands of an established agent, with a long standing public retail store that allows access to the public.

Using chat boards, forums or even blogs (ack!), the terror cell contacts are activated nationwide. Perhaps a group of ten, both local and abroad, make travel plans to go on vacation with their family to the same city as the business is located in. All of these people look and act like normal, established US citizens. While they are there, they visit the store and make a purchase of a specified item, perhaps a fake cell phone or PDA or maybe even an article of clothing. Hidden inside such normal wares would be the encapsuated ricin, now being driven to different areas across the country. Tens of thousands of capsules could be hidden in such a small, personal item. And nobody would give a second glance to someone with a hollow cell phone or iPod.

This is where it gets scary. These average citizens have all taken jobs at food distribution & packaging plants. Coca Cola, Pepsi, Frito Lay (chip dips) and others only see these people as good, hardworking employees. Some may be specialists, some may merely work on the packaging line. Either way, ricin would be easy enough to smuggle in and distribute into these mass packaged foods.

Tens of thousands across the country would die.

Another scenario: The same terrorist cell has been able to acquire nuclear fissele material in the form of a 'suitcase bomb', sold onto the black market by a rogue ex-Soviet officer in the 90's (you know, back when these guys weren't getting paid and had to sell of military equipment to make a living). This scenario, the terrorists are once again patient, masking the radiation through heavy encasement and transporting the package to Mexico through illegal shipping means.

Once in Mexico, it is only a matter of patience to deliver this suitcase under the US/ Mexico border, using a series of established tunnels along the Texas border. A quick truck drive to a rented warehouse, the package is moved to a Uhaul truck, which then goes on the road to New York. Stopping only for gas, the Uhaul hits New York in under 48 hours.

Millions would die, New York state and much of the eastern USA would be uninhabitable.

In this last scenario, the terrorist forego the cost and hassle of acquiring nuclear fissle material and make a home made bomb, similar to what was used by Tim McVeigh. Except this time, they package it in a small private jet on a small private airfield somewhere in the remote Northeast. Their target? Indian Point nuclear reactor outside of New York.

Millions would die, New York state and much of the eastern USA would be uninhabitable.
And there are many, many more very real scenarios lurking in the minds of people that take no greater joy than to slaughter us.

Are you scared yet? You should be. This election has no greater issue than a WMD attack on American soil. The next time you hear John Kerry say the Republicans are using scare tactics to win votes, instead you need to ask why he isn't addressing a very serious concern about the future of US citizens. It's not fear mongering, it's our new reality.
Why are Democrats afraid to confront it?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 14, 2004
Last time I checked China had the only missiles in the region outside Japan or possibly South Korea that could strike the United States.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Alaska. Don't forget striking alaska.
on Oct 14, 2004
True, Alaska is close enough for China though I was mainly counting the Western Seaboard.

Though Alaska does contain alot of US Army/Military Intel units (including the one that hacks into systems)

on Oct 14, 2004

Reply #32 By: sandy2 - 10/14/2004 7:40:58 PM
Last time I checked China had the only missiles in the region outside Japan or possibly South Korea that could strike the United States.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Alaska. Don't forget striking alaska.

Close enough for China, but not N. Korea.
on Oct 14, 2004
on Oct 15, 2004
And like a phoenix Joe McCarthy rose from the ashes to spread his paranoia once more on a gullible and easily frightened America.
on Oct 15, 2004
btw...Dragonal has already peddled something along these lines. I believe Tom Clancy has written a few formula novels based on the idea.
on Oct 15, 2004
there's nothing NEW about the world we live in as a result of 17 people hijacking 4 airplanes. there's nothing NEW about that or these ideas. acting like everything is somehow different, that we're in a NEW paradigm because 17 people did something is ridiculous. the only thing NEW is all the crap that the administration is pushing onto america in the name of what 17 people did. and frankly, if there were better airline security regulations (even the ones we have now are a joke) it could have never happened. we are not living in a NEW world because of al-qaeda and terrorism. we are living in a NEW world because of bush, inc.
on Oct 15, 2004
brendan: You're wrong.
on Oct 15, 2004
I think if people worry to much about what will kill them they will ironically die of a heart attack, who is the terrorist than?


Yeah, Brendan is soo wrong, for one Dick Morris and the rest wanted to institute a new airline security system but Clinton nixed it in favor of not offending the ACLU (which the system fingered 8 of the 19 and would have stopped them), let alone the FBI could not communicate information to the local Law Enforcement. Also they had to get a warrant in a situation that they needed to prevent a terrorist attack.

Like this example:

FBI is intercepting messages going back and forth between two suspected terrorists (one in the US, the other in Anywhere-labia) but when they go to the judge to get a warrant to arrest the one in the US to prevent the attack the Judge denies it because 1) FBI does not know exact time 2) FBI does not how many individuals are involved 3) FBI does not possess a exact place and how the person is going to do it.

That has changed after 9/11 with the Patriot Act (which despite it needing revisions) works to prevent Terrorist attacks. Though Bush has said he is looking into revising it (good for him) while Kerry has already tried to limit the Free Speech of others, so do you think he will limit it or revise it? (Case in point: Did Bush try to block Fahrenheit 9/11? Did Kerry try to block anybody's Free Speech?)

My view that the whole act should be abolished and a new one with a slightly better system put in place.
I.E. FBI works with local DA and build a case based from Intelligence gathered and DA issues warrant or something to that effect, so that way it is either local or Federal DAs issuing warrants not the FBI. Like Clancy's Netforce, sort of.

Party on my party peoples!
- Grim X
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