Not so much a blog today, but just a few things that need repeating for the general public.

1.) Goodbye tax cuts. The extra $2000 a year base return I get from Bush's cuts will go bye-bye. That is if Kerry doesn't change his current position.

2.) Hello tax increases. As a small business owner, Kerry has promised to target me for a tax increase. I wonder if he cares what thats going to do to my three childrens future? Being a wealthy aristocrat, probably not. Kerry promises to spend, spend and spend. A program for every American that makes under X amount of dollars a year. He promises to fix the national debt. You know who will really fix the national debt and pay for all these promised programs? You and I, the American public. Get your wallets out and get ready for papa Kerry to tell you how to better spend those hard earned dollars, because in his mind, you don't know how to spend your money wisely.

3.) Kiss any hope of election reform goodbye. Kerry whines about the Swift boat vets, but unlike President Bush, doesn't care about killing the 527 groups that support these type of ads. Perhaps it's because he endorses such attacks? Perhaps it's because Soros and his ilk are the only reason Kerry has made it as far as he has politically? Perhaps.

4.) Expect homeland attacks. I was hesitant to write this, but I have yet to find anywhere where Kerry has stated he would do anything other than "respond to an attack", unless, of course, the global community gives the thumbs up first. Knowing that the UN wont even label whats happening in the Sudan as genocide, expect the US military to be sitting around, wondering why President Kerry keeps vetoing funding for them. This reason alone is enough to not vote for the guy next month, unfortunatley too many people have already forgotten that the USA is at war with a global enemy. You don't think Al-Queda and OTHER terrorist organizations are going to just stop trying to kill all of us do you? Oh, thats right, Kerry thinks that Al-Queda is the only terrorist organization around. He must have figured that out in all the free time he had when he wasn't attending National Security meetings.

5.) Forget about global respect. Don't like President Bush's international policy? You'll hate Kerry's, unless your idea of a good foriegn policy is to change positions constantly, insult other world leaders daily, and exclude regional powers from summit talks. All of these are stated Kerry positions, but once again, you never know how he might shift on this.

6.) Watch for more scandals. Did you like how the memogate scandal led back to Lockheart inside the Kerry campaign? Do you enjoy your leaders secretly meeting with Americas enemies as John Kerry did on his honeymoon? Then you'll enjoy a Kerry Presidency; half the reason this guy can't hold a single position is because he can't remember what the truth is.

Personally, I think it's funny that as Kerry rises in the polls the stock market freaks out. It seems that someone understands this guy is bad for business - American business. Few things scare me, but a potential President Kerry scares me to no end. The reasons above are just the tip of the iceburg, but are more than enough to scare any US citizen, liberal or conservative.

Kerry is an aristocrat. He and his wife show no restraint in thinking they know better than the American public. How anyone could hate Bush so much as to vote for this guy amazes me.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 05, 2004
Riddle me this:

Edwards was talking about Tax Cuts while his partner Kerry was talking about Tax Raises, what is up with that is it a Tax Cut, Tax Raise, or Tax Cut Raise?

- GX
INGSOC Employee of the Month
on Oct 05, 2004
You left out a few salient points in your response Grim, please try again.
on Oct 05, 2004
You have said the they are Geniuses.

They? No, I said that Rove is a genius.
on Oct 05, 2004
Come on people, are your reading comprehension skills really this bad?
on Oct 05, 2004
You left out a few salient points in your response Grim, please try again.

Evade and Equate that is the SOP for Democrats and Republicans, thanks for reconfirming it for the Democrats.

Instead of actually talking about, good show Abe your ability to convey thoughts so eloquently has shown through, showing that you yourself are nothing more than a instrument of partisanship than a true non-political partisan human.

Surely you should look further into your political thoughts than to just rebut with an off the cuff remark that has little relevance to the question asked, you could have just answered the difference between the proposed Tax Cut and Tax Raise, like they want to raise Taxes for the Rich while cutting taxes for the lower middle class.

Alas, you chose the way that was the easiest for you to reinforce your partisanship on myself.

- GX
on Oct 05, 2004
Evidence? Bush's mind is average (even if you think he is intelligent he is still nowhere near Rove) whereas Rove is a genius. Who do you think is going to be calling the shots in that type of relationship? By all means don't take my word for it, do some reading about Rove's and Bush's relationship and their history together. Look at what Rove accomplished before he and Bush got together and compare it to what Bush had accomplished before they got together. Then compare the pre Rove Bush to the post Rove Bush.

Your hypothesis used to reflect Bill Clinton and James Carville.

Clinton's mind is average (even if you think he is intelligent he is still nowhere near Carville) whereas Carville is a genius. Who do you think is going to be calling the shots in that type of relationship? By all means don't take my word for it, do some reading about Carville's and Clinton's relationship and their history together. Look at what Carville accomplished before he and Clinton got together and compare it to what Clinton had accomplished before they got together. Then compare the pre Carville Clinton to the post Carville Clinton.

James Carville was and is a smarter man than Former President William J. Clinton, he was also the Campaigner for Clinton, just as Rove is the Campaigner for Bush, so who is the brains behind Kerry, who is his Chief Smart Man or Woman on his Campaign Staff that is the 'Puppet Master'?

- GX
on Oct 05, 2004
I think if anything, Kerry/Edwards have shown themselves to be people who will say anything to win the election, regardless of whether or not their ideology back up the stance. These are people that consistantly fought tax relief, and constantly voted to raise taxes on the middle class. Now, during the election, they are reversing and pretending that middle class tax relief is the way to go. It's absurd to imagine them with that stance unless you are totally blinded by the need to see them beat Bush in November...
on Oct 06, 2004
Surely you should look further into your political thoughts than to just rebut with an off the cuff remark that has little relevance to the question asked, you could have just answered the difference between the proposed Tax Cut and Tax Raise, like they want to raise Taxes for the Rich while cutting taxes for the lower middle class.

Grim, I was not responding to this. I was responding to your post before this one (# 14). Your reply above is completely nontopical to my assertion that Bush is Rove's puppet.

In response to #21. Clinton is a genius, Bush is not. Clinton accomplished a lot on his own, Bush did not. Rove enlisted Bush whereas Clinton enlisted Carville. As to how long Clinton and Carville have worked together I have no idea. Do you?
on Oct 06, 2004
In response to #21. Clinton is a genius, Bush is not. Clinton accomplished a lot on his own, Bush did not. Rove enlisted Bush whereas Clinton enlisted Carville. As to how long Clinton and Carville have worked together I have no idea. Do you?

Surely you jest, if Clinton was a genius than the Monica Scandal (and others) would have never existed or came to light, right? If you have no idea than your rebuttal that it was not the case with Clinton and Carville as it was with Rove and Bush is wrong. If anything Bush is the puppet of Cheney who is there always with Bush while Rove is off somewhere, or is that the wrong assumption?

You just want a sitting President to be a puppet of their political Campaigner, but have yet to answer the question: Who is Kerry's retainer? Is it Teresa Heinz? Ted Kennedy? Kerry's Campaigner? Koffi Annan? John Edwards? The man is a panderer and would have a retainer just as Bush (which I think IS the puppet of Cheney if he IS a puppet).

- GX
on Oct 06, 2004
"Clinton accomplished a lot on his own, Bush did not."

and all the bad things Clinton accomplished are plusses for Dems now, since they can just blame them on the Bush administration. So I guess if everying is gonna go down the tubes, put it off til the end so that your party can milk it during the next big election...
on Oct 06, 2004
Ya know...It's kinda sad that some of you folks are so caught up in hating the other guy that you think that if John Kerry is elected the world is going to come to an end on Nov 3. You want to talk about lower than average intelligence in the oval office? Look no further than our current president.

I am amused by the comments about Karl Rove being a master political strategist.If he's such a genius, why did the corpse of Mel Carnahan beat Ashcroft for the senate seat? He's a mudslinging creep who was kicked out of my alma mater (University of Utah) and built his entire political carreer by fabricating lies about opposing candidates, dirty tricks, sinking to the lowest tactics to get his guy elected, and who i feel is at least partially responsible for the hostile political climate in Washington today. Carville is 10 times the strategist that Rove is. Even though he's a bit of a freak.

Baker's comment was also particularly funny to me. I can't imagine what it would be like to labor under the delusion that John Kerry is pandering to the electorate and bush 2.0 is not. Care to explain the patients bill of rights and how the president vetoed it and now all of a sudden is claiming to fully support it? or how about the 200 billion to "protect" social security? Where's the check? Probably in the bunker with all the WMD's is my guess.

Baker also seems to conveniently forgot that bush 2.0 has lied almost constantly to the american public since he got in office. You think that bush 2.0 and Cheney give a rats ass about the middle class except at election time? If you believe that, i have some lovely oceanfront property in Idaho to sell you for a song my friend!

John Kerry has voted over 600 times to give the middle class tax relief. It's in the congressional record. Have a look.
on Oct 06, 2004
In response to #21. Clinton is a genius, Bush is not. Clinton accomplished a lot on his own, Bush did not. Rove enlisted Bush whereas Clinton enlisted Carville. As to how long Clinton and Carville have worked together I have no idea. Do you?

Yeah Clinton did a LOT.... he got a BJ in the oval office and then lied about it! That's something, ain't it?
on Oct 06, 2004

Better to get a BJ and lie about it than to f**k all of us and tell us it was for our own protection!
on Oct 06, 2004

Reply #26 By: thatoneguyinslc - 10/6/2004 12:25:08 AM

John Kerry has voted over 600 times to give the middle class tax relief. It's in the congressional record. Have a look.

That may be true BUT he has voted against tax cuts and FOR higher taxes 352 times! Check that out here: Link

And if you *really* want the rest of his voting record you can see it here:Link
on Oct 06, 2004
Please, now the Dems who constantly remind us that laws are voted against because of riders are telling us that the only reason Bush could have vetod the patient's bill of rights was that he was against the spirit of it?

Lies are in the eye of the beholder. No one has proved Bush lied about anything, that is just more sad rhetoric as well.

"You think that bush 2.0 and Cheney give a rats ass about the middle class except at election time?"

Oddly enough, my accountant told me when I asked why our taxes were fairing better that I should thank Bush for it... two years ago. If you look back I think you'll find Bush's main tax relief incentives were passed long, long before the election. Closer to when he was elected, actually.
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