Maybe you shouldn't have inhaled
Published on September 23, 2004 By d3adz0mbie In Democrat
Today was going to be either my unique perspective on racism in America, or a list of reasons why you don't like me, but there's a modicum of alzheimers running rampant on the political left these days, and it's time someone ranted a little about it.

To every supporter of Kerry, to every left wing person with an agenda, to every single person that hates the US President I ask this simple question, "Have you forgotten what the 09/11 attacks did to the US economy?" If you don't, pay attention, because every time you claim the economy is in sad shape because of President Bush, you sound like an idiot.

On September 11th, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States of America. On September 12th, 2001, The United States of America shut down for business. The stock market shut down, international foreign markets plunged. When the market re-opened the DOW sunk to horrific levels not seen in decades. Anylists worldwide predicted economic despair, and they weren't far off the mark. Construction shut down nationwide. Telecomm and tech almost froze for a full 18months after the attacks on US soil. Sector after sector of the economy took HARD hits because people were afraid to move, to drive down the street, to even invest in any market. 100's of thousands of people lost their jobs across this country and the unemployment rate soared. This country was on it's way towards a depression.

And yet, today, the country is experiencing a lower unemployment rate than when Clinton was campaigning for his second term. There are people still unemployed, their are people who are still losing jobs, but ALL the economic indicators over the past year show the US economy is experiencing a strong upward momentum. Overall, the depression didn't happen, the recession is over, companies are moving forward once again and growth is strong.

And yet almost every time I hear a political pundit for left speak publicly they attack Bush on the economy. They act like 09/11 never happened, that things weren't horribly bleak, that the USA hadn't just survived it's worst economic crisis since President Carter was in office. It makes me sick.

For you liberals, try to have some sort of self respect. Hate the President and the current administration all you want, but stop blaming the economy on the President. It weakens any other potentially legitimate arguement you may have and makes you look like jackasses.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 24, 2004

I respect your opinion, but I think they will hurt us in the long run because of the current record deficit.  I mean I'm a student who works full time I don't have a career yet and I am relatively young, I'm worried about inheriting these problems 10 years from now when I will have a career and will have to worry about how the deficit will be paid for.  Are these not legitimate concerns, just curious...

Well you say that you think the deficit hurts us.  How? And secondly, why do you think the tax cuts are the cause of the deficits?

The deficits are caused by spending.  Spending in congress increases automatically on most programs by X% per year.  If the economy slows in its growth, even slightly, you end up with deficits.  Tax cuts have little to do with that.

The DEBT is a problem, no doubt about it. But I wonder what your reasons for thinking the deficit/debt is bad are.

on Sep 24, 2004
Sir, by the unbeleivable level of oversight, lack of factual understanding and just general right wing pandering has shown that you are just another self rightous arrogant human. You seem to lack the fundimental social, spiritual and civil understanding to possibly comprehend what you have said. As with most of the political bend you hold ( I am a hard moderate ) you fail to see all the factors involved, you see what you need to in order to further you feelings. The fact is our government is not just financialy but socialy and spiritualy into the gutter. Lets tally 1) a war on 2 fronts ( lets not forget this is Hitlers mistake as well) to the tune of 1 billion a week.
2) a greater loss of civil rights than we gained from the time blacks had to sit on the back of the bus.
3) a leader who proclaims to worship a man of peace (that being Jesus Christ) who has killed more people than any governor in US history, and continues to order the bombings of civilian areas in Iraq ( yeah... like Jesus said "blessed are the peace makers".
4) a defeciet of 3-4 trillion brought from a surplus of 300 billion when he toke office.
5) he also was the Prez. during the largest stock collapse in US history ( and to you left wingers who say that was left over from Clinton... you delude yourselves... we live in a day an age where the Fed changes the percentage rate by a 1/4 point and the whole world feels it, that day... not four years later...)
6) Largest rise in unemployment of any modern Prez. (remember, about those dropping unemployment numbers... when your time runs out you drop out of the radar, another less filling but no more jobs...

Go ahead defend him if you wish... but it only shows your lack of understanding... I do not wish to be this direct but... you did not even research your statements....
on Sep 24, 2004

Reply #19 By: psychx - 9/24/2004 3:20:21 PM
Drmiler they were for using stem cells harvested from embryos that fertility clinics were going to throw away anyways. I'm not going to get into this though because I can't devote the time or energy to argue my point. That is where I stand though.

You can stand *anywhere you want, you still ain't right. Obviously you didn't read the link I posted, so I'll try again! The link goes to the bioethics council's web site.


on Sep 24, 2004

Reply #32 By: Tilden Thorne (Anonymous) - 9/24/2004 7:55:48 PM
Sir, by the unbeleivable level of oversight, lack of factual understanding and just general right wing pandering has shown that you are just another self rightous arrogant human. You seem to lack the fundimental social, spiritual and civil understanding to possibly comprehend what you have said. As with most of the political bend you hold ( I am a hard moderate ) you fail to see all the factors involved, you see what you need to in order to further you feelings. The fact is our government is not just financialy but socialy and spiritualy into the gutter. Lets tally 1) a war on 2 fronts ( lets not forget this is Hitlers mistake as well) to the tune of 1 billion a week.
2) a greater loss of civil rights than we gained from the time blacks had to sit on the back of the bus.
3) a leader who proclaims to worship a man of peace (that being Jesus Christ) who has killed more people than any governor in US history, and continues to order the bombings of civilian areas in Iraq ( yeah... like Jesus said "blessed are the peace makers".
4) a defeciet of 3-4 trillion brought from a surplus of 300 billion when he toke office.
5) he also was the Prez. during the largest stock collapse in US history ( and to you left wingers who say that was left over from Clinton... you delude yourselves... we live in a day an age where the Fed changes the percentage rate by a 1/4 point and the whole world feels it, that day... not four years later...)
6) Largest rise in unemployment of any modern Prez. (remember, about those dropping unemployment numbers... when your time runs out you drop out of the radar, another less filling but no more jobs...

Go ahead defend him if you wish... but it only shows your lack of understanding... I do not wish to be this direct but... you did not even research your statements

Who are you referring to? *Draginol*? *IF* that is the case then YOUR the one that needs to back up.
on Sep 24, 2004
It is the responsibility of the President to institute policies that improve the economy. It is the president';s responsibility to use fiscal and tax policy to grow the economy to bring the expenses and revenue into balance and produce a surplus to repay the growing debt. It is his responsibility to protect the nation not create a new terrorist state from an evil dicator. Bush has not made us safer and the nation is funding everything from tax cuts for the wealthy to Iraq with borrowed money. Per the Bush budget projection (SEE OMB) Bush expects a national debt by 2008 of $10 Trillion. That will bring the annual interest to about $500 Billion every year of which about half will be paid to foreign people and companies. We need to stop the right wing VooDoo economics that began in 1980. I am a Republican that wants a centrest policy and given the right wing control of the GOP the only way to get there is to have the power split. If you want to know what the Bush policies have done and will do, read my book, Four More For George W?
on Sep 24, 2004
First you must understand what jobs are being outsourced and for what reason. The good jobs are being sent overseas while the lower pay jobs remain. It is a simple fact that most anyone who understands the economy and the markets knows. Out sourcing is about greedy companies lobbying the president to support them. He in turns actually pays them to send the work overseas this is what has gone wrong with this country. Further more, the outsourcing has allowed China to steal a lot of our technologies. I find this real disturbing along with India... No Bush is the one who is the blame for all of this mess.. This is why he and the rest of his croonies are beating up on Kerry making false statements and misleading the public.... Bush has not done anything good in my eyes.. Where is Osama and Omar? That should have been his focus not Iraq..
on Sep 24, 2004

IT outsourcing gets a lot of news, Desert Fox, because they are good paying jobs. But as a percentage of what jobs are going overseas, they aren't that significant.

Most jobs that get outsourced are low-skilled jobs.

As for the guy in #32, it's guys like that that show why the left has lost so much influence over the past decade. They have such an intolerance to the opinions of others that they can't even carry on a civil conversation.  A basic problem with the left is that they are unaware of how out of touch they are. They believe a) That they are "moderate" and That everyone else is stupid.

on Sep 24, 2004
-He has dipped into the social security fund every year he has been in office.

There is no such thing and there never has been, contrary to popular belief. Social Security taxes go into, and are paid out from, the general fund. There is no "lock box" or special fund for social security.

Wanna fix solvency of social security? Privatize it, pure and simple. Let those who have alread been paying into it receive or continue to receive their benefits, but institute private investment plans for new taxpayers. Sure maintaining two systems will be a pain for a few decades, but look at the benefits. I know certain parties in government would LOVE to maintain their controlling deathgrip over every possible aspect of our lives, but eventually you just have to let go.

In regard to Bush/Kerry. There is only one reason that Kerry being elected would be a good thing. If he got elected it would put Hillary off until 2012 to run. Unfortunately, (on that note), she'll be making her bid in '08. That's scary, really scary. The bright side is we'll get another four good years with George W. before the nation swirls down the commode. I'll be voting Bush because even the threat of Hillary isn't enough to make me punch my ticket for the flip-flopper.
on Sep 25, 2004
What an interesting blog I have.
on Sep 25, 2004
If you *ever* make it to Pittsburgh, let me know! It'll be on me!

drmiler: Go Steelers!
I live in Indiana now, but I moved out here from Weirton, WV. I assume you know where that is? I grew up in Wheeling, and my wife is from Follansbee. I'd have a beer with a fellow Steeler fan anytime.IC or IC Lite?
on Sep 25, 2004
How many times have you heard that immigrants (especially those from south of the border) are taking jobs here while americans are not being hired. How many times have you heard animocity twoards immigrants because they "stole" someone's job?

They stole which job. Many take jobs doing landscaping. Others work in the hospitality business, taking jobs such as housekeeping and maintaining buildings. How many people do you know that would want to take those jobs? How many of you would like to make minimum wage (or less) doing such laborious work? Has anyone tried to find a housekeeper in the last 10 years? It's not easy. The people that you get from the agencies are often so bad that they either end up quitting because the task is to hard, or you end up having to hire them. No one wants the job. Except immigrants. For them, it is a vast improvement over what conditions they were formerly living in. For them, it is a dream job. Poles, Mexicans, and other immigrant groups take the jobs that no one else will take. They do us a SERVICE. They do us a FAVOR. They take these jobs which many people consider menial, and they often do a good job.

On CNN yesterday, there were these people protesting illegal immigration. Yes, illegal immigration is bad because its illegal. Its bad because employers can get away with not declaring taxes, and they can get labor for less than minimum wage. Illegal immigrants are not bad people though, they came here for the oppertunity. Their motives are not bad, and they do our labor that no one else wants to do for a reasonable ammount, all while benifiting from an increased level of financial happiness.

Out sourcing works in much the same way. Yes, phone bank operators are loosing their job, because people in other countries are willing to do the labor for a lot less money. In the United States, people demand an outrageous amount of money for menail tasks that a 15 year old could provide. We have lost jobs, but it has not been to outsourcing. Times change, and industries change. The United States used to be a huge manufacturing country, and before that we focussed on aggricultrue. Now, we are a service oriented country, with manufacturing jobs often having moved to areas where goods are cheaper to produce, such as in China. Eventually, it may come around where China may become too expensive, and Manufacturing will move to Africa. But the companies that manufacture the goods are often American. They can make the products for a cheaper price, which is passed on to the consumer. The lower price increases demand, and the companies profit. So do the american people, with cheaper products. Products that were too expensive to produce before are now economical, and new products come to market. With the increased profits for the companies, and the decreased costs for the consumer, the economy goes up and more jobs are created in other fields, such as services. With outsourcing, the American companies can provide menial services for a lower cost, increasing profits. They can also provide better services to the American people, because such services are now economical. For example, you now get to talk to someone when you call apple or other companies. You don't have to wait 5 hours. The increased profits for the companies and the lowered costs for the consumer once again overall benifit the economy, and eventually more jobs are created again.

taken from Rants and Raves

Notice that this moderate-liberal is saying that oubsourcing is good because it helps us, not because it makes the world a better place. I think the president is bad, but not because of the economy.
on Sep 25, 2004
I take that back- he is bad because of the economy because of the debt he is driving us into.
on Sep 25, 2004
double post
on Sep 25, 2004
He in turns actually pays them to send the work overseas
I keep hearing this but have never been shown actual citation of policy that says what a company "gets paid" or what "incentives" they get for outsourcing.  The companies that I know which outsource do it to stay competitive and like another blogger pointed out, Americans are to blame for that.  We want cheaper products yet we want to be paid the highest salaries and get the best medical coverage provided by our employers.  Guess what, employers can't afford to pay high wages and benefits without recouping the expense through raising the prices of their goods or services.  Noone here wants to do tech support for minimum wage and minimum benefits but there sure are a lot of people in India who will jump at the chance.  That is the reality we face.  Trouble is, too many Americans want to just point the finger of blame at the President and not really think about what reality dictates.
on Sep 25, 2004

Don't worry Jill, some people don't know enough on business to do anything other than spew out talking points. Companies do not get "paid" to outsource by the government.

We outsource too btw. Have been for years. We try to work with the best and brightest from around the world. Use WinCustomize? It exists thanks to "outsourcing". Lead admin is from Australia, other admins are from Brazil, Canada, Netherlands, Canada, UK, and elsewhere.  We have developers all around the world.  We don't discriminate against people simply because they live in another country. And the result has been the benefit of Americans who work at our company in Michigan as well as people from around the world. 

So people will have to excuse me if I don't see this as a "bad" thing.

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