First, I have to say genocide is bad. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot visited unimaginable horrors upon the world. Each of these monsters deserve any retribution they receive in the afterlife. That having been said, let's talk about cleaning out the gene pool a little.

We had a new alarm installed in our home last month. Motion sensors, contact sensors, even a remote and gas sensors were installed (we're not paranoid, we just had a nasty CO2 leak when we moved in that almost killed us). So we assumed that with a security system rich in features, that the monitoring center would be just as feature rich. Imagine my surprise when the alarm was set off by my mother in laws dog. The dog gets out of her carrying cage while I'm in my office working early in the morning, pops a motion sensor in a back hallway and the alarm starts screaming. No problem, I shut it down.

Then I get the call.

"This is your alarm company and we show that your alarm has been triggered. Can you please give me your security password?" Sure, I think, and give the lady my password. "Thats not the correct password sir". WTF? Of course it's the right password. It's a very original password that has a special meaning to my wife and I from our very first date 9 years ago. I KNOW this password. "Sir, we are showing that you dont have a password, can you give me your account number?" What? I dont have a password? Of course I have a password, I gave it to the rep, besides, if I don't have a password why are you asking for it? She has no response.

So I get my paperwork, find my account number, and read the 10 digit code to the nice lady that is asking for it. "I'm sorry sir, that account number is incorrect, I will be notifying the police now and billing your account." What?! Of course it's the right account number, it's in the rep's handwriting in 5 different spots on my paperwork! "Not that account number sir - sometimes we have secret account numbers here for people that don't have passwords. I'm asking for your secret account number." You're kidding? Secret account numbers? Needless to say, I'd never heard of a secret account number until now. After all, it's secret, right? Nobody told me about it before this... which was verified when the rep explained they don't give secret account numbers out. Thank goodness nobody, not even me, the guy on the account, knows the secret number.

And this is where I have to say I lost it. I'm a fair guy, yet perhaps I think I expect too much from people. I expect people to operate during the course of the day using their brain. Yet day after day I confront and deal with people that do things like ask questions about passwords that aren't in the system. The school teacher that decided my 6 year old son was "stupid", and further thought it would be a good idea to tell us personally, despite the fact our son who had been diagnosed with ADHD and functional Autism, could do algebra before the age of 5. Yeah, he's really stupid, despite the professionals telling us he's got a unique, intelligent mind.

The problem presents itself to an even deeper extreme when you see the mess that has been made of the political stage. Lies, deceit, corruption and greed permiate every level of politics. Even the canidate I will be voting for in the November US elections has a certain level of these traits about him: you don't go anywhere in US politics without them.

Instead of dealing with the constant stupidity, accepting it as day to day life, I'll take a radical turn here and present my flight of fancy: a social rating system. People should be rated by their peers on a monthly basis. Perhaps an implant at birth could keep track of each persons social rating. Someone cuts you off? Give them a bad rating. Someone performs a heroic deed? Rate them well. Visit the sick, feed the poor, tell the truth and live a basically quality life and your rating would soar, rob a bank, beat your wife and do other generally nasty things and the consequences could be dire.

The beauty of this plan is that social programs like healthcare, social security and welfare could interact with this rating system. Hmmm, you've got 256 bad ratings against you, you don't qualify for social security. Oh, you don't have a credit history but would like to take out a loan? Looks like your peers think you're a pretty decent person - we'll take a chance on you. Job positions, salaries and even liscenses to have children could be issued based on rating. The possibilities are endless.

Of course, safegaurds would have to be in place so a single persons life wouldnt be ruined because of a few run-ins with people having a bad day. You could receive feedback ratings that reflect on your judgement. Rate everyone you meet badly and the system might add a bad rating on your history, so rate others fairly.

In the end, extremely negative people, those with the worst ratings, could just form a line at Huntsville. A nice little cocktail would be slipped quietly into the arm, and humanities gene pool would be a little happier... within two generations the world would be a much nicer, safer, happier place.

Of course if you agree with this little venture into a twisted daydream, thats one bad mark against YOU...

on Sep 21, 2004
Of course if you agree with this little venture into a twisted daydream, thats one bad mark against YOU...

Darn. I was in full agreement with you, the one caveat being this: would we have to remember a PIN number to access ratings? I can never remember those stupid things....

Clever blog. (That's a notch above "good blog" in my rating system.)

on Sep 22, 2004
Well written! Great Blog! Hope to hear more from you soon!
on Sep 22, 2004
Interesting flight of fancy. Great ideas too..mmm...imagine if that was actually real life?! Ok, so I'm twisted too... Although as you say safeguards would have to be in place so that this system doesn't alienate or mess up anyone's life. Then again, knowing how these politicians are right now, who would want to give them such powers over mankind?! But what a great movie plot this would make.